Tue, September 29, 1942
Well I finished the large sign to hang by the gate at Roach’s. I thought I was going to get my tetanus shot but it’s Wed nite. They’ll shoot the money to us & the shots to us tomorrow. We are having a good pic at the show tonite, “Across the Pacific.” It’s just out a couple of weeks. Mary and the kids are coming out to see it. Went up town last nite with Irving & Silbert & called on several friends but all were busy so I was back in bed by 9:30. Had 5 beers and a lousy time. Jingle Jangle tomorrow.
Wed, September 29, 1943
Slept too late again for breakfast. But we cooked coffee & had toast in our own stove. The Capt drove to Marks Hall after dinner. I spent the morning cleaning up cameras and lenses & this afternoon finished the last of Ronnie’s pictures. I should have them finished by tonite to send. It was still bad weather today. No flights up here. The Capt is going into London for three days. I’ll have to look after things while he’s gone. I am growing a mustache & goatee. It looks pretty good so far. Only I’m afraid it’s going to be gray. We should be taking our flying physicals soon.