Thu, September 2, 1943

Arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland at 8:30 this morning. The RCross was filled up & we were until noon getting a place to stay. Frank is staying at the  home of Robert Louis Stevenson and I am at No 3 & his is No 8. We have very nice landlady’s and our room is swell. It’s 7 & 6 for Bed & Breakfast. We slept or rather Frank did this afternoon. While I went up town to trace my ancestors. I found out I was of the Clan of Neal & so tomorrow I’m going to get my tartar. I bought a Scottish tam today. Frank and I ate at a little side restaurant. After, we went to the Palace Royale Theater and had a box seat. It was a swell show, We went to the ARC & saw Bobbie & Beckie. We are all going to church in the morning. All Briton & Americans are offering up prayers tomorrow in honor of Briton’s 4 years of war. Going to take some movies tomorrow. 

Sat, September 2, 1944

Bombed Hesdin, France


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