Fri, November 13, 1942

Arrived here at Fort Rosencrans at San Diego at 12:00. It took us til 2:30 to get our beds & mattress & barracks. We then had the rest of the day off. We are attached to the B Battery of the 19th Coast Artillery. We can look out our window and see the battleships coming into North Island. We go to Consolidated tomorrow to shoot.

Sat, November 13, 1943

Didn’t do much today until afternoon. We scouted around looking for a spot to place our equipment & found it about 2:00. We put it in the hanger & had four truck loads. We had to do most of the work ourselves. Byron helped us. It was his day off. We quit at 4:30 & after supper Byron & I went to NAAFI & drank beer until 10:00. We sure did get tight & was throwing glasses at a mirror when it closed. Byron took us over to the mess & cooked up some pork chops & about 18 eggs. He came back to our barracks with us & stayed all night. What a time we had.

Mon, November 13, 1944

Put in for my furlough today.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Ron O'Neal

    Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI)

    The Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes is a company created by the British government on 9 December 1920 to run recreational establishments needed by the British Armed Forces, and to sell goods to servicemen and their families. It runs clubhouses, bars, shops, supermarkets, launderettes, restaurants, cafés and other facilities on most British military bases and also canteens on board Royal Navy ships.

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