Fri, June 18, 1943

No entry.


Sun, June 18, 1944

Was up at 7:00 this morning & was stiff, tired, and hungry. The officers left Augro & me there to finish cleaning up the place. We finished at 9:30 & at 10:30 went to the Village Catholic Church to mass. The church had been hit in several places. The people  were all rather nicely dressed even the children were all dolled up for the event. What a difference it must have been to them to see soldiers armed going to mass instead of keeping them from going. Church was out at 11:45 and we had chow & good at that. Steak, french fries, beans, onions, radishes, lettuce & french bread & coffee. I was sent up town by the Col. to try and get him two bottles of cognac. Had no luck but done alright for myself for I had quite a visit with a friendly family & had two bottles of hard cider & a 2 franc piece the French man gave me. Ate chow at 6:00 & the gang got back at 8:30. Helped build a fire for coffee & then hit the sack. No sleep until early in the morning. Guns going all the time.


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