Fri, February 5, 1943

Up at 6:00 & hiked in the dark 4 miles & then skirmished several times. Back and ate, then another march of 5 miles, rested & had an instruction, then started back. Had several gas drills then came back to camp to dinner. After dinner we drilled again & then at 3:00 we cleaned up camp & had retreat & left for base. We arrived here at 4:00 & then had the rest of the day off. Bed early.

Sat, February 5, 1944

Was put to cleaning up bed side tables for inspection today. I scrubbed 30 of them this morning. Got 4 air mails from Hazel.  She sure wrote me a newsy letter. This afternoon went to x-ray & they took five pictures of my back & sacroiliac. I’ll probably find out about it Monday. We got our cigarette rations tonite. I’m sure hungry.

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