Sun, December 20, 1942
Went over to the church today & helped get set up for the show tonite. Hung the backing & helped set the lights. Then after supper came back & helped with the show. It was a great success the place was packed. I got a good compliment on my work by the commanding officer here at Barksdale Field.
Mon, December 20, 1943
I met Bart & he had his Lt. uniform on and sure looked swell. I hung around until 7:00 and Capt sent me back to the Hall with a command car. I was back by 8:30 and am hitting the bunk right now. Was up at 9:00 and saw Capt Culver and he gave me a truck and Lynch and I left for Braintree & Great Dunmow. The boys gave me more candy for the orphans & £7/5s in cash. We were in Braintree at 11:30 and I stopped and saw Mr. & Mrs. Wiseman. I visited with them until 12:00 and the drove over to Great Sailing & Andrews Field. I ate there and visited the boys in the photo lab. At one we left and drove over to St. Joseph’s school with the toys & candy. The sisters were really glad to see me and we all had a good cry. The kids had the flu & we couldn’t see them. The Mother Superior gave me a nice gift of a holy packet. Hated to leave them. We left at 2:30 and drove back to Braintree & from 3 to 4 visited with mother & dad Wiseman. We had tea, hot cakes and she gave me a present from sis Eva. We were back in camp at 5:00 and there were two letters waiting for me from Mary & Margaret R.