Regiment: 73rd Regiment Ohio
Date of Organization: 1 Dec 1861
Muster Date: 20 Jul 1865
Regiment State: Ohio
Regiment Type: Infantry
Regiment Number: 73rd
Officers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 4
Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 1
Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 167
Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 149
Battles: Fought on 18 Apr 1862 at Williamsville, WV
Fought on 25 Apr 1862 at Williamsville, WV.
Fought on 26 Apr 1862 at Williamsville, WV.
Fought on 27 Apr 1862 at Williamsville, WV.
Fought on 2 May 1862 at Williamsville, WV.
Fought on 6 May 1862 at McDowell, VA.
Fought on 8 May 1862 at McDowell, VA.
Fought on 9 May 1862 at McDowell, VA.
Fought on 8 Jun 1862 at Cross Keys, VA.
Fought on 30 Aug 1862 at 2nd Bull Run, VA.
Fought on 1 Sep 1862 at Fairfax, VA.
Fought on 15 Sep 1862 at Harper’s Ferry, WV.
Fought on 3 May 1863 at Chancellorsville, VA.
Fought on 2 Jul 1863 at Gettysburg, PA.
Fought on 3 Jul 1863 at Gettysburg, PA.
Fought on 4 Jul 1863 at Gettysburg, PA.
Fought on 21 Jul 1863 at On The March.
Fought on 22 Aug 1863 at Greenwich, VA.
Fought on 22 Aug 1863 at Bristoe Station, VA.
Fought on 19 Sep 1863 at Chickamauga, GA.
Fought on 20 Sep 1863.
Fought on 28 Oct 1863 at Raccoon Ridge, TN.
Fought on 29 Oct 1863 at Lookout Valley, TN.
Fought on 15 Apr 1864 at New Hope Church, GA.
Fought on 14 May 1864 at Resaca, GA.
Fought on 15 May 1864 at Resaca, GA.
Fought on 15 May 1864.
Fought on 19 May 1864 at Cassville, GA.
Fought on 25 May 1864 at New Hope Church, GA.
Fought on 25 May 1864 at Dallas, GA.
Fought on 26 May 1864 at Dallas, GA.
Fought on 30 May 1864.
Fought on 19 Jun 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA. Fought on 20 Jun 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA. Fought on 22 Jun 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA. Fought on 30 Jun 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA. Fought on 20 Jul 1864 at Peach Tree Creek, GA. Fought on 5 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA. Fought on 10 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA. Fought on 13 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA. Fought on 15 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA. Fought on 20 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA. Fought on 25 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA. Fought on 9 Dec 1864 at Savannah, GA. Fought on 28 Dec 1864. Fought on 15 Mar 1865 at Averysboro, NC. Fought on 16 Mar 1865 at Goldsboro, NC. Fought on 16 Mar 1865 at Averysboro, NC. Fought on 19 Mar 1865 at Bentonville, NC. Fought on 25 Mar 1865 at Goldsboro, NC. Fought on 1 Apr 1865 at Goldsboro, NC.


(Three Years)
Seventy-third Infantry. – Col., Orland Smith; Lieut.-Cols. Jacob Hyer, Richard Long, Samuel H. Hurst; Maj., Thomas W. Higgins. This regiment was organized at Chillicothe, Dec. 30, 1861, to serve for three years. It remained in camp perfecting its drill until Jan. 24, 1862, when it moved via Parkersburg to Grafton and Fetterman, W. Va, and thence a few days later to New creek. In the spirited engagement at McDowell in May the regiment was engaged, but met with slight loss. In June it was engaged in the battle of Cross Keys, and lost 8 men killed and wounded. In August the command took up its line of march for Culpeper, and it arrived in time to relieve Gen. Banks’ corps on the battle field of Cedar mountain. Passing through Culpeper, the regiment crossed the Rappahannock at White Sulphur springs, moved down the river to Rappahannock Station, and thence up to Freeman’s ford, where it engaged the enemy ,thence back to White Sulphur springs and Waterloo to prevent the enemy from crossing. Passing through Warrenton, New Baltimore and Gainesville, the regiment reached the battle ground of Bull Run and in the second battle there acted a prominent part, the gallantry of the brigade of which it was a part saving the army from utter rout. The loss of the regiment was very severe – out of 310 men present for duty, 144 were killed or wounded and 20 captured. In the Chancellorsville campaign it formed part of the column which turned the left of Lee’s army, crossing the Rappahannock at Kelly’s ford and the Rapidan at Germanna. Nothing noteworthy then occurred until it entered upon the Gettysburg campaign. The regiment, with its brigade, held the line in front of Cemetery hill and was almost incessantly engaged on the ground in its front, its losses amounting to 143 officers and men out of about 300. After Lee’s retreat over the Potomac the regiment crossed the river with the rest of the army and finally went into camp at Bristoe Station, where it remained until transferred to the Army of the Cumberland.In the fight in Lookout Valley the conduct of the regiment called forth praise and especial notice, Gen. Grant, in his official dispatches, naming it “one of the most daring feats of arms of the war.” In this action the regiment lost 65 men and officers out of 200. Encamping near the scene of its brilliant exploit, the regiment was occupied by picket duty and building earth-works until Nov. 22, when it crossed the river and was engaged in the battle of Missionary ridge. At the end of the year it veteranized and was furloughed home, then returned to its old camping ground in Lookout valley. In May it moved with the corps through Snake Creek gap, confronted the enemy at Resaca and it was highly complimented by its brigade and division commanders for brilliant conduct in this action. A severe battle followed near New Hope Church, in which, though badly exposed and suffering severely every moment, the regiment stood firm and fought till nightfall when it was relieved, having suffered a loss of 3 officers and 72 men killed and wounded. Pine Mountain, then the railroad with Acworth and Allatoona, then Lost mountain were gained; and the army confronted the enemy strongly upon Kennesaw mountain and around Marietta. On July 20 the regiment reached Peachtree creek and in the engagement that followed there lost 18 men. During the month which followed it was constantly in the front line of works, under fire day and night, and continually at work skirmishing and fortifying, each day losing one or more killed or wounded. At length Atlanta was evacuated. In the campaign the 73d had lost 210 men and 8 officers out of less than 350; had been repeatedly engaged with the enemy, and had never retreated before him. It now encamped near the city, recruiting and working upon the defenses until it started with Sherman on his “march to the sea.” Up through the Carolinas, at the battle of Averasboro, N. C., in which the regiment lost 15 men wounded, and then came Bentonville, the last battle of the war, in which it lost 5 men killed and 25 wounded. The regiment was mustered out on July 20, 1865. Source: The Union Army, vol. 2

Data compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, MA. Copyright 1997-2000
Historical Data Systems, Inc.
PO Box 35
Duxbury, MA 023.

My thanks to Dick Dobbins at for permission to use the above information.

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